macro_rules! assert_response {
($conn:expr, $status:expr, $body:expr) => { ... };
($conn:expr, $status:expr) => { ... };
($conn:expr, $status:expr, $body:expr, $($header_name:literal => $header_value:expr,)+) => { ... };
($conn:expr, $status:expr, $body:expr, $($header_name:literal => $header_value:expr),*) => { ... };
Expand description
combines several other assertions. this assertion can be used to assert:
- just a status code,
- a status code and a response body, or
- a status code, a response body, and any number of headers
use trillium_testing::prelude::*;
async fn handler(conn: Conn) -> Conn {
conn.with_body("just tea stuff here")
.with_response_header("server", "zojirushi")
assert_response!(get("/").on(&handler), 418);
assert_response!(get("/").on(&handler), Status::ImATeapot);
assert_response!(get("/").on(&handler), 418, "just tea stuff here");
assert_response!(get("/").on(&handler), Status::ImATeapot, "just tea stuff here");
"just tea stuff here",
"server" => "zojirushi",
"content-length" => "19"