Macro trillium_testing::assert_body

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macro_rules! assert_body {
    ($conn:expr, $body:expr) => { ... };
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assert that the response body is as specified. this assertion requires mutation of the conn.

use trillium_testing::prelude::*;
async fn handler(conn: trillium::Conn) -> trillium::Conn {
    conn.ok("it's-a-me, trillium")

assert_body!(get("/").on(&handler), "it's-a-me, trillium");

let mut conn = get("/").on(&handler);
assert_body!(&mut conn, "it's-a-me, trillium");

let mut conn = get("/").on(&handler);
assert_body!(conn, "it's-a-me, trillium");
use trillium_testing::prelude::*;
assert_body!(get("/").on(&()), "what body?");
use trillium_testing::prelude::*;
assert_body!(get("/").on(&"beach body"), "winter body");